We have officially become soccer parents. Both Emma and Cooper are playing in a little AYSO city league. They are loving it. Well, Cooper is. After the first practice Emma gets into the car and asks if she has to do soccer forever. But, after finding out that the boy she likes is on her team, she hasn't asked about doing anything else again. Not sure if thats funny or if we should be worried.
Going into their first games, they both were really talking it up. Saying things like, "Our teams are going to win" and "I'm going to score a goal". Well, they both were humbled in their first games. They both lost badly. The car ride home was pretty funny. They couldn't believe that they lost, trying to figure out how when they knew they were so good. So, the next week rolls around and we were saying family prayers the night before their games and it was Emma's turn to say the prayer. In her prayer she asks Heavenly Father to bless them both to win their games. Rod and I give each other the we need to explain that Heavenly Father probably doesn't care about who wins the soccer game eye during the prayer. (yes, we did open our eyes) So, after she finishes, we start talking about how we should pray for things that are really needed and Heavenly Father probably doesn't care who wins. . . etc. . . .. The next day comes and Emma's team was first to play. Keep in mind that her team stunk the week before. They amazingly pull off a victory in the last moments. The score was 3-2. We then go over to Cooper's game and watch his team pull off a 12-2 victory. On the way home the prayer came up in the conversation, and as parents we were humbled. Emma explains to us that maybe Heavenly Father does care who wins the soccer game and He answered her prayer. Well, since then Rod and I have been humbled even more. Emma continues to pray every Friday night for victory the next day and since then, both her and Cooper haven't lost a game. So, the lesson to be learned - kids have a direct line to Heavenly Father, and He does care about soccer games. Rod is debating asking Emma to pray for the Phoenix Suns this season. If they win the championship, you'll all know why. =)