The Ross gang paid a visit to one of our favorite places. The Natural Bridge. Rod had meetings in Payson on a Saturday so I decided to be brave and take the kids on the hike by myself. It isn't too bad of a hike until you have to carry a 40lb two year old up and down because he refuses to walk. We had a great time anyway.
You are brave! I don't think I would attempt a hike with 3 kids on my own. I feel accomplished when I attempt Wal-Mart on my own! Good to see your backyard looks like ours too! That's an amazing shot of the moon.
You are a pioneer woman! Way to go Steph!
I don't know if you got my last comment, but way to go on the hike. You are one tough lady!
wow...i have always said your amazing, and this shows i'm not lying! i miss your family...tell the kids hi for me!
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