Rod and I celebrated our 10th Anniversary in June! He is sooooo wonderful - he totally surprised me by taking me to a fancy salon for a hair cut - then arranging to have a photographer come take our pictures. (TOTAL SHOCK-especially considering we have NEVER done that and usually aren't into pictures of ourselves) Then we went to the same place we went to on our honeymoon. It was a fabulous time. I'm grateful everyday for who I married!
You look amazing!! (both of you but I really really like your hair!)
Happy Anniversary to a great couple. I'm happy you have each other. And Rod-nice going on the surprise gifts. Such a great idea!!
So awesome - congrats on 10 years!
Congrats you guys, and what a nice surprise!
You finally updated! You both look great, I love the picture! What a fun anniversary and what a sweet hubby! We enjoyed out time with you at the reunion and wish you lived a little closer so we could hang out more. Congrats on ten!
Am I to be surprised? Nope, nope, nope! Rod has always been a kind guy in my eyes. And you, Steph, are a remarkable woman--full of compassion, intelligence, and love.
The fact that you two have made it to ten years surprises me not, either. I so appreciate the love and patience the two of you share and show for one another and your children. Your marriage is and has always been a great example to me.
What a great picture! I like that idea of having your picture taken on your 10th Anniversay! It would be fun to do every ten years. (I think I could probably only handle having my picture taken that often!)
I love the picture and the haircut and yes that is an awesome anniversary gift. I have to admit I took you off my list because I thought for sure you would never post again. sorry
good to see you're still alive and well. We sure did enjoy living close to you guys back in the day. miss ya
So, I am such a bad blog checker! I am just now seeing this. What a cute picture! You two actually look pretty good! Go figure! And happy even? What is that all about? I love it!!! Congrats on a decade together. Here's to many more,
Time to renew your vows with your Blog!
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